Create More with New Classes

Get inspired to create more with three new classes starting at Big Picture Classes this week. Customize your planner with unique embellishments in Creative Personalization for Your Planner with Kylie Kingham. Tell in-depth stories in your memory keeping with Kim Jeffress in Intentional Scrapbooking. And get new inspiration for your pocket pages from Marie Lottermoser in this month's Pocket Prompts! Check out each classroom this week and get started creating! 

Creative Personalization for Your Planner

Make your planner as beautifully unique as you are! In Creative Personalization for Your Planner, Kylie Kingham shares inspiring projects to decorate your planner and personalize it to fit your style. Learn how to make a shaker dashboard, corner page markers, pocket dividers, and more! Then, see each project come together as Kylie shares a glimpse into her weekly planning process. Don't let your planner simply keep your schedule—make it yours!

Customize your planner with Kylie!

Intentional Scrapbooking

When you're intentional in your memory keeping, you bring the focus back to the most important parts of your scrapbook layouts—your photos and stories. In this class, Kim Jeffress shares how to achieve Intentional Scrapbooking through cut files, ephemera, embellishments, journaling, and more! Go beyond the pretty products and get to the heart of scrapbooking to tell meaningful stories on your layouts!

Tell your stories with Kim!

Pocket Prompts | 31

Ready to learn more techniques, tips, and project ideas for your pocket-based, memory-keeping projects? Each month, we'll bring you a new Pocket Prompts class from an inspiring pocket-page maker. This month, Marie Lottermoser will be sharing five photo prompts and five journaling prompts, as well as a look into her process of putting a page together from start to finish. It's sure to be a great time!

Try out Marie's prompts!

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