Journaling in Your Memory Planner

  • Planners & Organization
  • Skill Building

Capture your everyday in your planner! In Journaling in Your Memory Planner, Jen Randall reveals unique techniques for adding your words into your planner. Incorporate tags, bags, tip-ins, and page protectors to increase the "real estate" on your pages. Plus, explore using memorabilia to better tell a story. Whether you're using a memory planner or a functional planner, these methods can be applied to add interest and depth to your pages! 

  • What you'll learn +
    • Various ways to use a planner for memory keeping
    • Several creative ideas to include journaling into your planner
    • How to include items like tags, bags, tip-ins, page protectors, and memorabilia in your planners
    • Discover how these items will allow for increased space in your planners for documenting everyday stories and special events
    • Ways to incorporate personal ephemera into your weekly or monthly planner layouts


  1. 1. Let's Get Started
  2. 2. Personal Memorabilia
  3. 3. Tip-Ins
  4. 4. Pocket Pages
  5. 5. Tags
  6. 6. Decorative Bags

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Journaling in Your Memory Planner

  • Planners & Organization
  • Skill Building

Capture your everyday in your planner! In Journaling in Your Memory Planner, Jen Randall reveals unique techniques for adding your words into your planner. Incorporate tags, bags, tip-ins, and page protectors to increase the "real estate" on your pages. Plus, explore using memorabilia to better tell a story. Whether you're using a memory planner or a functional planner, these methods can be applied to add interest and depth to your pages! 

  • What you'll learn +
    • Various ways to use a planner for memory keeping
    • Several creative ideas to include journaling into your planner
    • How to include items like tags, bags, tip-ins, page protectors, and memorabilia in your planners
    • Discover how these items will allow for increased space in your planners for documenting everyday stories and special events
    • Ways to incorporate personal ephemera into your weekly or monthly planner layouts
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