Advanced editing in lightroom gallery 01 4


Lightroom is a powerful tool to help reinforce the stories you're telling in your photographs.

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Develop Module Overview

Let's dive in and get familiar with the Lightroom Develop module workspace!

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Basic Edit

Give your photos more polish and pop by using a few simple adjustments in Lightroom.

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Black & White Edit

Give your photos a timeless feel by converting them to black & white.

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Dark & Moody Edit

Add mystery and drama to your photos by giving them a dark and moody edit.

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Light & Bright Edit

Give your photos a cheerful, lighthearted quality using the sliders and tone curve in Lightroom.

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Vintage Film Edit

Give your photos a nostalgic, timeless feel with a vintage film edit in Lightroom.

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Natural Portrait Edit

Natural-looking portraits are easy to achieve using Lightroom's specialized editing tools.

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Using Presets

Save time in your workflow by using presets to apply your edits to other photos in your catalog.

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