Product Playground | Chipboard & Brads

  • Scrapbook
  • Just For Fun

Welcome to Product Playground, a yearlong class that offers a monthly video highlighting your favorite products! Sometimes, in the midst of recording our memories, we get a little lost and overwhelmed with all the papers, stickers, embellishments, and tools we've collected over the years. We might be left wondering, "Where did the fun go?" Let's bring it back with this popular class revamp. In this class, we'll explore new ways to incorporate brads and chipboard into layouts.

Check out the entire Product Playground class series.

  • What you'll learn +
    • Creatively use products already in your stash
    • Easily combine older products with newer products
    • Create unique product combinations and layers that lead to fabulous layouts


  1. 1. Brad's Got a Real Chip on His Shoulder

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Product Playground | Chipboard & Brads

  • Scrapbook
  • Just For Fun

Welcome to Product Playground, a yearlong class that offers a monthly video highlighting your favorite products! Sometimes, in the midst of recording our memories, we get a little lost and overwhelmed with all the papers, stickers, embellishments, and tools we've collected over the years. We might be left wondering, "Where did the fun go?" Let's bring it back with this popular class revamp. In this class, we'll explore new ways to incorporate brads and chipboard into layouts.

Check out the entire Product Playground class series.

  • What you'll learn +
    • Creatively use products already in your stash
    • Easily combine older products with newer products
    • Create unique product combinations and layers that lead to fabulous layouts

What students are saying See all reviews

I like the idea of using brads to emphasize an existing pattern, that is a fun idea. Great video!
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@TOxford Richland, WA

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