5 Reviews

So helpful - can't wait to ltry what I learned!
2015 08 19%252011.55.08
@bethbrum Dublin, Ireland, Republic of
This is a really good class, with lots of suggestions and tips for pushing past the resistance that we may have in taking self-portraits. I only wish it had videos, too! In particular, I liked the final lesson in which all her layouts and PL spreads are shown.
Wow! So much detailed information! My self portraits will be so much better going forward!
@Msaula United States
Great class, lots of interesting ideas and examples. Thanks so much.
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@Swimmer Australia
I really enjoyed this class. There were some great ideas, and sometimes it is nice to have a class that doesn't have videos so that I can take these while waiting in the doctor's office etc. where I don't want to turn on sound.
Donita profile
@donita Muleshoe, TX
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