Required Supplies
Do you have all your supplies? Use this checklist to be sure you're not missing anything you'll need!
Embroidery Floss, Needle & Paper Piercer Various colors of embroidery floss for hand-stitching and class techniques. You will also need a needle and paper piercer to use with the embroidery floss.
Embroidery Hoop & Canvas These items will be used to create an embroidered look for Lesson 4.
Wooden Dowels You will need thin wooden dowels for the DIY Fringe lesson.
Patterned Paper & Card stock Various patterned papers and card stock will be used to create layouts for the class.
Electronic Die Cut Machine Several of the lessons offer cut files that can be used with an electronic die cut machine.
Sewing Machine If you own a sewing machine, machine stitching will be added with the hand stitching in several lessons.
Embellishments Have a variety of embellishments on hand, that coordinate with the collections you are using, to complete your layouts/projects.