Illustrated Faith | Getting Started

  • Art Journal & Mixed Media
  • Skill Building
  • 98%

From the very first time Shanna used her journaling Bible in a creative way, she noticed a spark in connecting her creative side to her faith, and she couldn't wait to dig in deeper. Join her for Illustrated Faith, and hear more about how she documents her walk in her faith in a meaningful and personal way.

Check out the entire Illustrated Faith class series.

  • What you'll learn +
    • How to use a journaling Bible in a creative and meaningful way


  1. 1. Why Use a Journaling Bible?
  2. 2. Supply Tips & Tricks
  3. 3. Choose Your Style
  4. 4. Where To Find Inspiration
  5. 5. Journaling Bible Q & A

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Illustrated Faith | Getting Started

  • Art Journal & Mixed Media
  • Skill Building
  • 98%

From the very first time Shanna used her journaling Bible in a creative way, she noticed a spark in connecting her creative side to her faith, and she couldn't wait to dig in deeper. Join her for Illustrated Faith, and hear more about how she documents her walk in her faith in a meaningful and personal way.

Check out the entire Illustrated Faith class series.

  • What you'll learn +
    • How to use a journaling Bible in a creative and meaningful way

What students are saying See all reviews

Illustrated Faith is the perfect newbie class for those to scared to take that first leap of faith into bible journaling. I have had my journaling bible for months and have been scared to even write my name in the front of the Bible. The lessons helped me get organized, inspired, and confident to begin the final lesson....step by step with the instructor. LOVED IT!!!
Dunawayfallbluecast 2
@eadunaway Fort Wayne, IN

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