Gratitude Journal
What are you thankful for? Join Nathalie as she shares her gratitude journaling project.
Setting Up The Journal
Let's get started with preparing your notebook for your gratitude journal.
Paper Strips & Gratitude Journaling
Paper strips create the perfect background for your gratitude journaling spreads!
Paper Triangles & Gratitude Journaling
Use paper triangles to create a new layout in your gratitude journal.
Daily Gratitude & Tags
Create entries in your gratitude journal that combine tags and everyday pictures.
Documenting Gratitude with Negative Space
Let's use negative space in a creative way to focus on the subjects of your gratitude journal.
Stamping in Your Gratitude Journals
Stamp up your titles and backgrounds for a new entry in your gratitude journal.
Large Pictures in Your Gratitude Journals
Create a new entry in your gratitude journals using large pictures.
Single-Page Layouts in a Gratitude Journal
Single-page layouts are a great way to document lots of small details in your gratitude journal.
Join Nathalie as she shares a complete view of the finished gratitude journal.