Bpc gratitude journal intro nathalie desousa


What are you thankful for? Join Nathalie as she shares her gratitude journaling project.

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Setting Up The Journal

Let's get started with preparing your notebook for your gratitude journal.

Bpc gratitude journaling in a tn marketing lessons nathalie desousa

Paper Strips & Gratitude Journaling

Paper strips create the perfect background for your gratitude journaling spreads!

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Paper Triangles & Gratitude Journaling

Use paper triangles to create a new layout in your gratitude journal.

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Daily Gratitude & Tags

Create entries in your gratitude journal that combine tags and everyday pictures.

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Documenting Gratitude with Negative Space

Let's use negative space in a creative way to focus on the subjects of your gratitude journal.

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Stamping in Your Gratitude Journals

Stamp up your titles and backgrounds for a new entry in your gratitude journal.

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Large Pictures in Your Gratitude Journals

Create a new entry in your gratitude journals using large pictures.

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Single-Page Layouts in a Gratitude Journal

Single-page layouts are a great way to document lots of small details in your gratitude journal.

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Join Nathalie as she shares a complete view of the finished gratitude journal.

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