Get interactive! In this class, Janna Werner shares fun ideas for including interactive elements on your scrapbooking layouts. Discover how to create multiple interactive embellishments, hide journaling and a title, add photo flaps and more! Finally, learn how to combine all of these interactive techniques onto one layout. Create projects that you love with interactive elements!

What you'll learn +
- interactive embellishments
- interactive title and journaling spots
- interactive photo area
- combining everything and taking it a step further
Plus - the super talented Kathleen Graumüller shares a wonderful guest project featuring a waterfall element.
1. Welcome, Let's Get Interactive!
2. Interactive Embellishments
3. Interactive Title & Journaling Spots
4. Interactive Photo Area
5. Combine Them All!
6. Waterfall Layout with Kathleen Graumüller (aka scatteredconfetti)
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Get interactive! In this class, Janna Werner shares fun ideas for including interactive elements on your scrapbooking layouts. Discover how to create multiple interactive embellishments, hide journaling and a title, add photo flaps and more! Finally, learn how to combine all of these interactive techniques onto one layout. Create projects that you love with interactive elements!

What you'll learn +
- interactive embellishments
- interactive title and journaling spots
- interactive photo area
- combining everything and taking it a step further
Plus - the super talented Kathleen Graumüller shares a wonderful guest project featuring a waterfall element.